May 17, 2008

News from Lour & Grey

Okay, I lied. There is really not any new news (new news? o.O) to report in our world. At the moment we are still chugging along and trying to survive.

The only SNI-related news in our happy little realm is that we received a call the other day that we're late on our STA payment. Naturally, as we were told we had been white-washed as of Wednesday and are on the waiting list to return, we did not expect to have to pay anything. Certainly not without notice.

I am so glad Grey spoke to the collector and not I, because I would have blown my top. I might have gone - forgive the term - apeshit. They are asking for 1200 dollars - each. I am furious. I am seething. I am-


I suppose we'll have to pay, and then they'll apply that to the balance for when we go back. So at least we won't have to pay twice. But considering how strapped we are, and how much we still owe just to get back on our feet (rent, bills, etc)... Its a scary, stressful time to be in our collective wallets.


But anyway, that's really all that's going on.

1 comment:

T-Net said...

I have been behind and am just catching up on your blog. I'm sorry to hear that things aren't working out right now, but I truly feel everything happens for a reason. Right now just wasn't the time for you guys. When the time is right, you will know. Then you will be able to follow that dream of driving a Pumpkin Truck! Best of luck to you two and I will still be keeping up with ya!