February 09, 2008

Good News...

and bad news.

The bad news first - I was sick Wednesday and Thursday, so we didn't take our written exams until Friday morning.

The good news (and it is GOOD) is that the general knowledge exam was cake. Big green "PASSED" flag, woohoo!

The bad news returns - because we both failed the Air Brake exam. So close, but no cigar.

And worse news? We were going to head up this morning, but its snowing and I'm feeling sick again - so we have to wait til Monday.

I think this means we're gonna miss that 2/23 course in Carlisle, which sucks. Hopefully, we can get our stuff faxed over Monday and get the ball rolling for the 3/1 STA. *sigh* Hopefully.

In other news, we've been reading a lot about other drivers having trouble OTR this time of year due to freight being slow and, naturally, the weather. I'm glad that we'll have a few months of driving under our belts before the worst hits next winter.

Wow. I really couldn't believe how well I did on the General Knowledge test though. I just whizzed right through it. Just wish us luck on the Air Brake part, right? :)

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